Feb 17, 2016

Sexual Allegations in Sports

   Many cases dealing with famous athletes and sexual assault are transpiring weekly. From the allegations dealing with Superbowl veteran Peyton Manning to the all-star Kobe Bryant all involve sexual assault. The many sexual assault charges going through court and the many rapists walking away as free men/ women are the circumstances creating rape culture. Rape culture is when sexual violence is commonly accepted and the victims are blamed for their own assault. Usually trials dealing with rape and famous people are settled out of court to protect self image and the actual facts of what happened. Many college universities and sport leagues cover up many rape or sexual assault cases to protect their reputation as well. 
   When Peyton Manning attended the University of Tennessee he allegedly sexually harassed a female track athlete. He claimed that it was old news, and a simple mooning to the track athlete; but was sever enough for her to immediately report the incident to the Sexual Assault Crisis Center in Knoxville. The lawsuit never went through do to the relentless effort and power executed by the University of Tennessee to protect pro-athlete Peyton Manning and the University's top notch football program. If this incident was not connected to the university or a pro-athlete the victim would have already been served their fair justice and the culprit would have served consequences. But do to the rape culture of america, where people accept rape and tell others to move on, Peyton Manning suffered no actual consequence. When big names in sports get tied into lawsuits about their behavior or actions many get a slap on the wrist and continue to play and make millions of dollars yearly. There is not much anyone can do to penetrate the shield that is put around these athletes do to their money and support of big colleges and national leagues. Rape culture is shameful and people who do not find it a big deal are blatantly ignorant and should try to understand the embarrassment and burden that a victim has upon themselves. Sports are a great way to achieve greatness, but does not mean you are above the law or greater then any other person around you.

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